Paris Luxury Homes

A collection of 3 posts

Art Basel Paris 2024: An Unmissable Celebration of Art and Culture

As the crisp autumn air descends upon Paris, the city prepares to host one of the most anticipated events in the global art calendar—Art Basel Paris. Scheduled from October 18th to 20th, 2024, this remarkable event will occur at the iconic Grand Palais in the heart of the French

2022 Designer Fall Fashions to Make Parisian Heads Turn

If you plan on heading to Paris in October for the first-ever Art Basel show, then you might want to pack some very chic, new designer clothes to make just the right impression. The fall in Paris can be anything from mild to chilly, so being prepared for a weather

Let the ‘City of Light’ Illuminate Your Travels

Ah, Paris! The city of romance, brimming with history, class, fashion, culture and sophistication. Paris, “The City of Light,” beckons walks along the Seine; sitting in a café sipping an espresso watching lovers strolling hand in hand; locals with bags brimming with market delights; fashionistas walking in their Chanel outfits
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