Paris Dining Experiences 2022

A collection of 3 posts

Why You Will Love Paris Even More in the Fall

October in Paris. Sitting at a café sipping on an espresso, watching people strolling by; brightly-colored falling leaves floating on wisps of cool autumn air. It’s a glorious time to visit the City of Light – peaceful and settling, uninterrupted by crowds of tourists. And it is so very beautiful

Let the ‘City of Light’ Illuminate Your Travels

Ah, Paris! The city of romance, brimming with history, class, fashion, culture and sophistication. Paris, “The City of Light,” beckons walks along the Seine; sitting in a café sipping an espresso watching lovers strolling hand in hand; locals with bags brimming with market delights; fashionistas walking in their Chanel outfits

Paris: A Food-lover's Paradise

Paris is not only the global center for art, fashion and culture but also for gastronomy. Eat your way around the City of Lights one restaurant at a time. Use our list of some of the top eateries around the city as your guide during your stay at one of
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