pacific ocean private island vacation

A collection of 3 posts

Explore the Great Barrier Reef Up Close and Personal on Private Lizard Island

Lizard Island is unlike anywhere else on the planet. The resort sits on more than 2,500 acres of Australia national parkland and in fact, it literally sits on the Great Barrier Reef. A vacation here offers untold natural privacy and breathtaking beauty beyond measure. Lizard Island was declared a

De-Stress on a South Pacific Private Island

Let LVH do its magic and help you to disappear for a while in paradise Some elite travelers are going all out and opting for supreme privacy and luxury by choosing to vacation on a private island. In fact, according to recent statistics, the demand for private island journeys are

This Fiji Island Sanctuary is a Paradise Playground

The Pacific Ocean Islands are considered by many travelers to be pieces of heaven on earth. When you have the chance of calling a private sanctuary like Laucala Island your home for the duration of your holiday, you will experience the ultimate in privacy, luxury, blissful days in the sun
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