
A collection of 4 posts

3 Photo-Worthy, Fabulous Experiences in Spain

Some elite travelers want more than the ho-hum of simply seeing and doing the touristy things on vacation. Many want the “pow” of adrenaline and excitement that comes from doing something out of the ordinary. If you consider yourself to be in that select group, read on for some awesome

4 of Spain’s Most Magnificent Beaches

Sun-kissed Spain is known for its beaches with sand so dazzling it’s like powdered crystal, water so blue it rivals a clear sky and travelers who make their way there specifically to take advantage of the climate and the magnificent shores. We have put together a list of some

Pairing Wine and Food like a Pro

When you have a sumptuous meal waiting to be enjoyed the last thing you want is to have a wine served that isn’t complimentary to the cuisine. To become a successful matchmaker and develop a love affair between the fare and the fruit of the vine, you have to

5 World-Class Wines for Elite Wine Connoisseurs

There is so much to be said for opening a bottle of one of the world’s most exclusive wines, slowly letting the elixir run into a crystal glass and relishing every sip. Enjoying a rare, fine wine is paying a tribute to yourself and the chance to toast the
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