Malibu Luxury Travel

A collection of 3 posts

eFoil Surfing for Two on Lift Foils’ New Board

Avid surfers know the Golden State is one of the best to head to on the mainland for excellent wave action. Traditional surfboards provide some heart-pounding adrenaline moments, but conditions must be just suitable for surfing – when waves are flat, surfing comes to a standstill. The sport, however, has come

5 Experiences to Make the Most of Malibu

Malibu is the Hamptons of Los Angeles. It has achieved near legendary status among California beach towns. Hollywood stars and top athletes live in many of the oceanfront homes here on elegant miles of beach. With the hills and the sea, outdoor activities abound. Hikers will appreciate the miles of

Kaizen, a Dazzling Vision Come to Life

Kris Halliday’s Modern Mansion on the Malibu Coast by Diane Barton As a child growing up in Australia’s outback, the last thing Kris Halliday was thinking about was that someday he would move to North America. Children live in the moment and Kris was too busy being a
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