Luxury Paris Rentals

A collection of 6 posts

Romantic Getaway in Paris

In Paris, it can always be Valentine’s Day. Experience love in the City of Love itself. The city flourishes on love with endless possibilities to bring you and your loved ones closer than ever before. Share a romantic meal in a hidden alley (Lady and Tramp style) or tango

4 Parisian Cafés Loaded with Caffeine, Class and History

There is nothing better for soaking up the Parisian ambiance than sitting in a voguish café. Here are four of the best the city has to offer. Why not visit them all? Café de Flore What an amazingly rich history you’ll find at the lovely Café de Flore at

Paris and London: Differences between Two of Europe’s Most-Visited Cities

London and Paris have shared a friendly rivalry for years over which city is more appealing to travelers. Looking at annual tourism statistics it is pretty close with both cities drawing tens of millions of visitors into their realms every year. They also regularly swap top spots. However, that is

Take a Helicopter to Paris for a ‘City of Light’ Shopping Adventure

For a real, well-rounded injection of shopping therapy, you might want to spend some time in London and Paris while before or after ringing in the New Year at Belvoir Castle. Since the castle has a helipad, it’s easy to fly to Paris in less than about 90 minutes.

Why You Will Love Paris Even More in the Fall

October in Paris. Sitting at a café sipping on an espresso, watching people strolling by; brightly-colored falling leaves floating on wisps of cool autumn air. It’s a glorious time to visit the City of Light – peaceful and settling, uninterrupted by crowds of tourists. And it is so very beautiful

2022 Designer Fall Fashions to Make Parisian Heads Turn

If you plan on heading to Paris in October for the first-ever Art Basel show, then you might want to pack some very chic, new designer clothes to make just the right impression. The fall in Paris can be anything from mild to chilly, so being prepared for a weather
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